Most wasps rely on wood fiber for creating their nest, they usually pick locations near abundant sources of wood A few examples of such sources would be trees, branches, roof edges, or inside of furniture How do I get rid of a wasp nest?The fake wasp nest thing is called a waspinator We got one, and it was incredible watching the wasps attack it, thinning it was a rival nest Didn't get rid of them though Sit still outside and see if you can see them coming and going that will tell you where their nest isThe Baldfaced Hornet is a social wasp found in the familiar large, gray, paper nests attached to a tree branch, shrub, utility pole or house The paperlike nests are made of chewed wood fiber mixed with saliva Hornet nests are frequently displayed in nature centers, schools, and natural history museums They can also be displayed in the home as a conversation piece! Ever Wondered What Is Inside A Wasp Nest Btp Professional Bird Pest Control Wasp nest inside window ...